Use Binding to select sorting mode instead of JavaScript code
[quandoparte] / application / resources / harmattan / qml / StationListPage.qml
1 import QtQuick 1.0
2 import QtMobility.location 1.1
3 import 1.0
4 import net.cirulla.quandoparte 1.0
6 Page {
7     property variant stationView
8     id: stationListPage
9     Component.onCompleted: {
10         stationListProxyModel.sortingMode = StationListProxyModel.AlphaSorting
11     }
12     tools: ToolBarLayout {
13         id: toolBar
14         ToolIcon { iconId: "icon-m-toolbar-back"; onClicked: pageStack.pop(); }
15         ToolIcon { iconId: "icon-m-toolbar-settings"; onClicked:; }
16         ToolIcon { iconId: "icon-m-toolbar-view-menu"; }
17     }
19     function loadStation()
20     {
21         var component = Qt.createComponent("StationPage.qml");
22         if (component.status == Component.Ready) {
23             var view = component.createObject(stationListPage)
24             stationListPage.stationView = view
25             pageStack.push(view)
26             view.html = "<h1>Hello World</h1><p>Lorem ipsum</p>"
27         }
28         else
29             console.log('Cannot load component: ' + component.errorString());
30     }
32     function highlightSearch(s)
33     {
34         // TODO compile RegExp on change, or find a way to cleanly use
35         // stationListProxyModel.filterRegExp
36         if (searchField.text.length) {
37             var r = new RegExp(searchField.text, 'i')
38             var match = r.exec(s)
39             return s.replace(r, '<span style="text-decoration:underline">' +
40                              match + '</span>')
41         } else {
42             return s
43         }
44     }
46     PageHeader {
47         id: header
49         text: qsTr("Stations")
50         selectedIndex: stationListProxyModel.sortingMode
51         options: ListModel {
52             id: dialogOptions
53             ListElement {
54                 name: QT_TR_NOOP("Stations by Name")
55             }
56             ListElement {
57                 name: QT_TR_NOOP("Stations by Distance")
58             }
59             ListElement {
60                 name: QT_TR_NOOP("Stations Recently Seen")
61             }
62         }
63         onSelectedIndexChanged: {
64             header.text = dialogOptions.get(selectedIndex).name
65             console.log("Selection changed to: " + selectedIndex)
66             console.log("Selection text is: " + header.text)
67         }
68     }
69     SearchBar {
70         id: searchField
71 header.bottom
72     }
73     Binding {
74         target: stationListProxyModel
75         property: "searchPattern"
76         value: searchField.text
77     }
78     Binding {
79         target: stationListProxyModel
80         property: "sortingMode"
81         value: header.selectedIndex
82     }
83     Rectangle {
84         id: shadow
85         width: parent.width
87         height: 5
88         gradient: Gradient {
89             GradientStop {color: "#aa000000"; position: 0.0}
90             GradientStop {color: "#00000000"; position: 1.0}
91         }
92     }
93     Item {
94         id: mainView
95         x: 16
96         y: 16
97 searchField.bottom
98         width: parent.width - 32
99         height: parent.height
100         ListView {
101             id: stationListView
102             clip: true
103             width: parent.width
104             height: parent.height
105             model:  stationListProxyModel
106             delegate: Item {
107                 id: listItem
108                 height: 48
109                 width: parent.width
110                 BorderImage {
111                     id: background
112                     anchors.fill: parent
113                     // Fill page borders
114                     visible: mouseArea.pressed
115                     source: "image://theme/meegotouch-list-background-pressed-center"
116                 }
117                 Row {
118                     anchors.fill: parent
120                     Column {
121                         anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
123                         Label {
124                             id: mainText
125                             text: highlightSearch(model.display)
126                             font.bold: true
127                         }
128                     }
129                 }
130                 MouseArea {
131                     id: mouseArea
132                     anchors.fill: background
133                     onClicked: {
134                         stationListPage.loadStation(model.display)
135                     }
136                 }
137             }
138         }
139     }
141     Sheet {
142         id: settingsSheet
143         acceptButtonText: qsTr("Save")
144         rejectButtonText: qsTr("Cancel")
145         content: Item {
146             x: 16
147             y: 16
148             width: parent.width - 32
149             height: parent.height - 32
150             Column {
151                 spacing: 16
152                 anchors.fill: parent
153                 Row {
154                     height: 40
155                     spacing: 16
156                     anchors.left: parent.left
157                     anchors.right: parent.right
158                     Label {
159                         font.bold: true
160                         text: "Show Last Station on Startup"
161                         anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
162                     }
163                     Switch {
164                         anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
165                         id: showLastStationSwitch
166                         anchors.right: parent.right
167                     }
168                 }
169                 Row {
170                     height: 40
171                     spacing: 16
172                     anchors.left: parent.left
173                     anchors.right: parent.right
174                     Label {
175                         font.bold: true
176                         text: "Update Display Periodically"
177                         anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
178                     }
179                     Switch {
180                         anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
181                         anchors.right: parent.right
182                         id: periodicCheckSwitch
183                     }
184                 }
185             }
186         }
187     }
188 }